Seasons: Alizée Dufraisse
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Motivation is ephemeral, fleeting, like the passing seasons.
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Motivation is ephemeral, fleeting, like the passing seasons.
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Sharing the stories of the people who make the climbing life possible.
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Alizée Dufraisse attacks her climbing weaknesses and comes away with a surprising ascent.
Leer más>Bibliographie – The Alex Megos Interview
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Alex Megos speaks about his longest project to date, how he stayed motivated, and what he learned from the experience.
Leer más>Chris Sharma: Return to Balance
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The king of deep-water soloing finds new lines to fuel his soul in Mont-Rebei, Spain.
Leer más>Winners of #TheBestSend Competition
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The judges have spoken: Here are the top five drawings and stories.
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Tenaya athlete Alizée Dufraisse on the mental game of projecting difficult climbs.
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Bagging one 8C/V15 would be a proud feat for anyone, but four in a month? That’s just nuts.
Leer más>Locked Out and Loathing in Margalef
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Tenaya athlete Alex Megos on his memorable mission to climb Perfecto Mundo (9b+/5.15c).
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