The Explorer: Jimmy Webb
Live interview with Jimmy Webb on bouldering development, long-term projects, and traveling the world to climb.
by tenaya

Jimmy Webb tends to keep a low profile, but the humble warrior has sent more V16s [8C+] than almost any other American, including the first ascents of Sleepwalker in Black Velvet Canyon, Nevada and Ephyra in Chironico, Switzerland.
And he’s not just a one-trick pony—the 33-year-old boulderer knows how to handle a rope, as well. Webb made the second ascent of Empath (9a+/5.15a) in South Lake Tahoe, California this year, which marked a first of the grade for him.
From his Tennessee roots, Webb has traveled from Switzerland to Rocklands to Fontainebleau, ticking off the world’s toughest blocs. These days, developing is his main passion. He’s now based out of Sacramento, California where he’s exploring the untapped potential hidden in the Sierra Mountains.
Join us for an Instagram Live session with Jimmy Webb and Liam Lonsdale as they chat about bouldering development, long-term projects, and traveling the world to climb.