219.95 $
More rigid and structured shoes,more power can be transmitted to the rock.
The more sensitive a shoe is, the more information gets transferred to the climber about the shape and the characteristics of the foot holds , giving a sensation of closer contact with the rock.
This is the capacity of the shoe to adapt to the width of your foot. This capacity is not only determinate by the width of the sole, in some cases a shoe with a narrow sole displays a great capacity to adapt to a wider foot.

Tenaya’s patented closure system is unique. It’s so precise, so quick and easy to use and provides independent tension control over different parts of the shoe. Once the user has configured the system to their specific requirements they will never need to waste time on adjustment again.

Technology that increases the dynamic response of the shoe improving its ability to adapt to different rock shapes and greater precision and comfort.

Technology that improves the balance between all the performance of the shoe achieving a greater range of response and greater performance in very different situations.