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"Improvement is exciting, but life is found in making each day different"

Alex Megos


Rolihlahla 32 / 5.13d

Rocky Waterval Boven, South Africa

Angie Scarth Johnson

Victimas Perez 9a

Margalef, España

Stella Plantin, Pà

Sebastians Läpp

Ulebergshamn, Buhuslän, Suecia

First Ascent

Ratstaman vibrations

Alex Megos

Céüse, France

Chris Sharma

On Mediterranean blue

Psicobloc Spain

Tenaya climbing
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Athlete Recap

by tenaya

A Year In Review Of Tenaya Athletes

The Legacy of La Rambla

by tenaya

Ramon Julian and the Iconic Line

Change and Move

by tenaya

Alex Megos' New Approach to Climbing At Flatanger

Setting the Standard

by tenaya

Ainhize Belar's Groundbreaking Ascents

The America’s Project

by tenaya

Climbing Across America

The Rocklands Ticklist

by tenaya

How Vadim Timonov sent hard, high, and first try.